Well come to find out my past, my childhood wasn't perfect but ya know what, it made me the strong mofo that I came to be now. Some of my trauma comes from the Battle of Flowers sniper event, and then also from the event of us almost getting washed away in the flash flood around this time of year in the boat, the blue impala. The anxiety has been at bay since I came to that realization but at the same time, Mom and Dad did the best that they could even with Dad's errors he still did what he could for us and Mom of course worked his fingers to the bone to make sure we were fed, clothed and housed. She protected us when the sniper opened up at the Battle of Flowers parade as did Frank my brother because he knew that is what he was told to do by Mom. I shared with him my appreciation for everything that he did for me through our childhood and protecting me through our growing up years and taking care of me when Mom and Dad had to work hard to provide for us. I...
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