"If you encountered a Lees Summit PD officer, how would you engage or interact with that person?"
So a great question that was posed to me from Katy during today's 10/05/2020 therapy appointment. To add to that, what would my reply be if I came in contact via in person or email with Crazy Bitch or Melissa's dumbass. Somehow I foresee one day receiving an email from Melissa trying to reach out to say hi. While I don't hope for it, I could see her trying to contact me one day to say "hello". More than likely after her "VERY old man" passes out. Funny, but there is some truth to that I'm sure. Thought about what I would say to her if she did though while walking the dogs this morning. Something to the effect would be about hope her and hers are doing well, keeping it cordial of course, but at the same time reminding her that he might not appreciate the contact effort and asking her straight upfront if "by chance" if she was already "talking" to him when she kicked me to the curb but at the same time also giving her thanks for allowing me to see finally, my self worth and that I deserve only the best and what a lesson and blessing that six month experience with her being still codependent to some degree, was still unhealthy and unmotivating. Emily provides me the oppurtunity to see myself as an individual, as a distance runner even at times when I dont see it myself but also supportive of me being me, an individual and allowing me to live my life as I want free from any judgement or ridicule like what I experienced with both Heather and Melissa. I know and am confident that I'll never hear from Heather and trust and believe I'm very fucking okay with that. As was discussed with Katy the other day, somehow someway the occurrences of that evening had to have been twisted and turned and I was painted in a different light and in the way that justified her actions and how she wanted to play that victim card. Hence why I still hear "since you're the aggressor (with blood dripping from my busted lip and forehead) you're the one going to jail this evening. The date 07/12/2018 time of PD call was 11:57pm (I'll never forget that moment in time). Hopefully someday I/we can go back to Lees Summit and not be vigilant of my surroundings and worried that I would be harassed by the local Deputy Dawg lawmen of that idiot town. I miss not being able to engage with my friends that live there in their hood but right now, I'm not ready to do that as of yet. Maybe one day. Which brings me back to my original question posed...what would I say or do if I encountered a LSPD officer? Do I follow the guiding principles that were drilled into my thick ass head by my parents and brother and "kill em with kindness"? Or do I just stare at them and walk away with no interaction?
More than likely if I saw an officer like at a convenience store, example Quik Trip, and they had drink and/or food products in their hands, and if I had the means, I would tell the cashier very adamantly, to please put those items for the officer on my tab. And I would turn and look that mofo, square in the eyes and tell him thank you for your service sir, and please stay safe. Momma always told us to be of strong integrity and just because of two that questioned or didnt believe in mine, doesnt mean all of them are of that same mold. And to always take the high road above others even in times of despair and traumatic and harassing behavior. And if asked by that person, something to the effect of "you didnt have to do that", I would just share one of two things. One, the two officers that arrested me after a DV incident with blood streaming down my face after the false allegations of the abuser didnt have to do what they did to me either just as that person didnt have to put on that uniform and go out and protect that community as he was doing with only a small bite to eat and a short window. And more than likely I would just leave it at that and just walk away and go about my day. That is how I would handle it. And I know that I would leave that situation right there where it is and walk away feeling stronger and confident and at peace knowing that I've finally healed from that experience and remain stronger and recovered.
I'll forever remember of how fortunate and BLESSED beyond belief my life has come in the past 18 months with Emily by my side and new friends, new experiences, and even an occasional challenge to keep me on my toes and honest. But now despite not having the added obstacle of having to answer for shit like before, and only sharing about it out of respect, because that is one cornerstone of what our relationship is built upon, I know there is nothing (not even some crazy hip) that I can't overcome and get through, even if it means having to stand back and assessing the situation before tackling.
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